One night as I lay in bed I couldn t sleep so I turned the light on to find the most astonishing sight

One night as I lay in bed I couldn t sleep so I turned the light on to find the most astonishing sight. If we could conquer the worms, we had the moths. We still watch. When we walked in we were met with a shock. The moths were everywhere. They began to multiply James 1:14 15 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. The moths begin to affect those around me by getting into the kids things and the kitchen.One day as I was getting prepared to start the day I happened to look down a saw a pretty little moth walking across my bathroom floor. We decided to move to a new house and sold our home. A few days later I noticed the moth seemed to have friends. I now not only had moths but they were laying cocoons, which were hatching out with little white worms that were crawling up my walls. Sitting in our new home enjoying a movie one evening a moth flew by. Dont stop seeking purity. The moths are like our sins . Ask God to reveal to you where you blew it. Each night the children and I would lay for them with the lights out and wait. Walking in compromise I let the moths stay thinking, oh they are just little moths 2Co 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness? . Then we would turn the lights on and attack! We had discovered the worms came out at night and made little cocoons that hatched into the moths. My husband shakes his head as I attack relentlessly until the moth is conquered. I checked the bathroom and discovered there now were many moths walking about. They were pleasing to the eye 3. At first the vintage lamp Manufacturers moths seemed harmless 2. They didn t seem to be causing any problems so I decided to ignore them. Go back to the beginning. So often we come in for prayer to be freed from the affects of sin but then we go home and still keep our idols. One day as I was taking a shower the Lord and I were talking. I thought it strange and decided maybe I should keep a watch on what these little guys were doing. No compromise Luke 11:36 If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle do give thee light. Allow Him to show you the what, the where and the how. I bug bombed again using a much stronger dose. I bug bombed the entire house. He will give you discernment. They were now becoming a problem. I had to find the source. We need His patience, His compassion. Put God first and he will multiply your time. Business partners no co workers with partners . Night after night we fought our war against the moths. Just as when you walk in sin it will begin to affect those around you. My walls were crawling with little white worms. Unclean movies, unclean books, our speech, hidden sins. Just one moth, I thought, nothing to worry but I wasnt going to let it by. You see he was not with us from the beginning. Finally, we had won so we thought. Because we have conquered the things of the past does not mean it wont sneak in another way. I had learned my lesson. I enjoyed watching the moths each day walking in and out under the wall. It could be through a Christian friend. Surround yourself with God s word. Thinking the problem was solved I ignored it again only to my dismay to find the moths were not only in my bathroom and bedroom but also had traveled to my kitchen cabinets. Rely on Him. Where are your treasurers? Luke 12:34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Even when I closed off each little area and treated it separate didn t work. Worms, worms everywhere crawling up her walls. I decided to conquer by smashing them. Luke 6:46 48 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? Whosoever come to me, and hear my sayings, and do them, I will show you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. Find the sin. We had brought the moths with us. They were interesting to watch 4. The scriptures tell us to Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness Let your time be God s timing. I bought some bug spray for moths and treated the bathroom and my bedroom. Do you have moths in your life? . The Lord began to show me a very special lesson, which I wish to share with you. It took us seven years to totally conquer the moths. As I watched them I noticed they were going under my walls. Then when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death. He figured a little moth wouldn t hurt anything. Trying to use someone elses method didnt work sprays (prayer fixes) Sometimes we go and have people pray for us or go to hear different evangelist to get a quick fix. We had been remodeling so I didn t have any baseboards on yet so the dry wall was not quite to the floor. My thoughts were, oh it is so pretty, and I will leave it alone. The moths remained. But only when we decide to take control ourselves we will not find peace. Dates Polluting your environment? Remember those little sins can get out of control fast. Do you take the easy way out or do you attack the source with all your might by seeking God and His righteousness. Hidden sins will be revealed. Make God your priority instead of daily chores satan will rob you of your time by the cares of the world. Everything was gone over carefully so we wouldn t move any hidden moths with us. General friendships . The moths took over. You cannot do it on your own. 1. Now it was WAR! The sprays didn t work; the bug bombs didn t work. We find ourselves in bondage and wonder how and why. A few days later when I was in my bedroom which has a common wall to the bathroom I noticed a moth walking up my wall. We found them in our clothes, our cabinets, in the kid s toys, under the walls, everywhere. What happened? Trying to ignore the moths didnt work. Do not rely on yourself. They were for a reason. The moths were going in and out under the wall. I had to begin to really get serious. Again we declared war! Today we will occasionally see a moth that has come in from outside. Keep your eyes on Him. She had been busily enjoying fixing up her new place so I thought she wanted to show it off. The moths remained. My daughter went upstairs and later came back downstairs and asked me to come look at her room. We begin to fall deeper and deeper into sin. It could be in a situation. I immediately got up and attacked. He said to me so clearly, remember the moths , yes Lord, how could I forget.



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