In closing, instead of looking at your prospects in this light

In closing, instead of looking at your prospects in this light, I want you to ask yourself if you qualify? Which group do you fall into? If it is not for the good, I would like to save you months or maybe even years of struggle and heart ache and tell you to go ahead and go get a job. If he would've asked that question and I shot a dollar amount at him and all I was looking at was dollar signs, I would've sponsored him right then and there but I'm not looking to do business with everybody. They are going to fall into the masses of Network Marketing entrepreneurs and home business owners that fail and give up in their first 90 days of starting a home based business. This is not going to work for you. After these individualsdon't make a certain amount of cash in a certain amount of time or become conscious that they really have to put in the work to get the results, they just substantiate the so called logic they have in the back of their minds that they knew it wouldn't work in the first place. If you are out there trying to convince people to enter your business opportunity or they say that they want to try it, forget about it. You want people that have the passion, drive, are willing to commit and have the stick-to-it-iveness in order for your whole team to be successful. I'm sorry if that's harsh but it's the truth. You and the individuals you decide to work with have to have a burning aspiration to win to be lucrative in the Network Marketing/MLM industry. We have to set our goals, put a plan together to achieve those goals and make no excuses. . 90%!!! But, we have to find the 10% that is going to get us 90% of our results. If they can't edison bulb st64 motivate themselves to get the outcome that they want, then how in the world are you going to get them motivated? You're not, you shouldn't have to and who is going to want to be sponsored by that personality? As entrepreneurs we have to realize that 90% of all that we do is going to fail. If they do not carry these qualities and characteristics then you are just wasting your time. You have to be hungry and to realize that no matter what gets in your way or obstacles that you run into, that you are going to rise to the challenge, conquer and overcome.I had a guy approach me over this past weekend and he asked me, what is it that I do for a living? I went on to explain to this gentleman everything that I was involved in and he said to me "Man, that sounds great! What do I need to get started?" My reply to that was The Will To Win. Long story short, I did not sponsor this person into any of my business ventures.



For many riders this may not be significant.

Moving the RollaSport from place to place is easy as well.

It should have access to schools, hospitals